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220 Front St
Santa Cruz, CA

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MON-SAT: 7:00am-6:00pm
SUN: 9:00am-5:00pm
Easter: Closed
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Auto A/C Repair & Service Cool Prices For A Cool Ride

From an A/C recharge to complete A/C repair, we'll make sure your car's air conditioning works on even the hottest days. Visit today!

Auto A/C Repair & Service Cool Prices For A Cool Ride

From an A/C recharge to complete A/C repair, we'll make sure your car's air conditioning works on even the hottest days. Visit today!

A/C Recharge & Repair Near You

If you can’t stand the heat, stay with the expert technicians at Wheel Works.

There’s nothing more annoying than having your car’s air conditioning go out on a hot day. Wheel Works is ready to inspect your A/C system before the weather turns warm, so you and your passengers can keep your cool on the road. Last year we serviced half a million auto air conditioners! 

Wheel Works A/C Performance Check 

Car A/C repair costs can vary depending on the issue at hand. Sometimes it's best to start with an inspection to get to the root of the problem. You may need a simple A/C recharge or a full A/C repair.

Wheel Works A/C performance check standard service includes:

  • A visual inspection of A/C components
  • Performance tests, including:
    • System state of charge test
    • System control test
  • A leak test using approved electronic leak detector

If a slow leak cannot be detected, a dye detection service may be performed.

How Does My Car A/C Keep Me Cool?

Your vehicle’s air conditioning system removes the heat from air inside your vehicle and transfers it to the outside air. The wonderful result is cooler, more comfortable air. The system relies on key components including a compressor, a condenser, an evaporator, pressurized refrigerant, valves and hoses, all of which are controlled electronically.

To properly work, the system must have no leaks that might allow the refrigerant to escape. A/C systems are resistant to leaks and contamination, but they are not leak-proof. Over time, contamination or leaks can adversely affect cooling.

To keep your vehicle cool, we recommend having your A/C system checked at the beginning of the warm season.

It is important to note that some refrigerants used in automotive A/C systems are considered harmful to the environment. At Wheel Works, we take great care to protect the environment while we are servicing the system.

I Need Auto A/C Repair Near Me!

You're in luck! With more than 43 locations, there's bound to be a Wheel Works near you. Find your nearest Wheel Works and schedule your service appointment online today! 

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